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4 Year Old Program 


As your 4 year old is preparing to enter school, we will prepare them to merge into Kindergarten with a smooth transition.  The A Beka curriculum will be used to teach your 4 year old all they will need to know to go to Kindergarten.  By the beginning of Kindergarten, your child should be able to recognize and sound out each letter of the alphabet, as well as put together and read small words and even short sentences.  They will learn to write all the small letters of the alphabet and will be introduced to many of the capital letters.  They will be able to count from 1-100, recognize 1-20, distinguish before and after numbers, and answer simple math combinations.  They will also learn through activities such as show and tell and skill development activities to improve fine motor coordination, eye-hand coordination, visual perception, and writing skills.  They will also learn through playing in the different learning centers such as art, reading, dress up, kitchen, and tool areas. We look forward to launching them into school with confidence, high self-esteem, and an excitement to learn more.

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